About us

What we do?

Netarts and Netarts Bay - where riches are discovered daily - riches you can’t get just anywhere, and once discovered, are yours forever. Perhaps it’s sighting a bald eagle cruising Netarts Bay, or hundreds of brown pelicans diving from the air to feed on fish near the bay’s surface. It could be that special campsite at Cape Lookout State Park, spotting gray whales from Cape Meares State Scenic Viewpoint, or taking that award-winning photo as fingers of fog drift across the sunlight over the bay. Maybe it’s pulling up the biggest Dungeness crab you’ve ever seen, spotting sea lions on Three Arch Rocks, or being eye to eye with a great blue heron as you paddle your kayak on Netarts Bay. Whether leisurely strolling along trail or beach, those riches are all around you BETWEEN THE CAPES - rich in beauty, rich in history, rich in learning experiences you won’t forget.

History of WEBS

Jim Mundell

WEBS is the brainchild of the late Jim Mundell, longtime Netarts resident and community leader, who dreamed of an organization that would raise awareness, provide learning opportunities, and encourage stewardship for the natural and cultural resources of the Netarts Bay area, between Cape Meares and Cape Lookout on the spectacular Oregon Coast.


Friends of Netarts Bay Watershed, Estuary, Beach & Sea (WEBS) is a non-profit 501(c)(3) organization made up of volunteers interested in creating opportunities for Netarts Bay area residents, property owners, interested citizens and visitors to learn about and experience the unique natural and cultural history of the area between Cape Meares and Cape Lookout on the northern Oregon Coast, through education.

WEBS strives to:
· Build a “learning community” between the capes that encourages people to become lifelong learners about the area and engage in stewardship of its rich natural and cultural history.

· Build partnerships with other organizations and people that will increase community pride in “their place” and contribute to the vitality of the area.

· Increase the use of Netarts Bay as a place for learning about watersheds, estuaries, beaches and seas.
Learning Resources Between the Capes
Research Reports & Publications

The WEBS Vision Statement:

Use educational events, programs and activities, as well as informed scientifically based documents, to enhance knowledge of the important and unique qualities of the Netarts Bay Area - collaboratively focusing efforts on environmental and community interests that affect the watershed, estuaries, beaches and near-shore sea area bounded by Cape Lookout and Cape Meares.
Current Projects:

· NetartsBayToday Website: We are building a website loaded with information about Netarts Bay and the area Between the Capes.

· Second Grade Day on the Bay: WEBS coordinates this field learning experience for second graders from South Prairie Elementary School in Tillamook. WEBS also participates in many other school events.

· Cape-To-Cape On Foot: Netarts area trails and beach walks between Cape Meares and Cape Lookout: WEBS has published a trail guide to the wonders of the area.

· Spring & Fall Great Oregon Beach Cleanup: WEBS hosts the Netarts Bay Boat Ramp beach cleanup meeting site during the coast-wide cleanup each year.

· WEBS continues to present free tours, workshops, and presentations open to the public on natural history, science, the arts, and local history. In partnership with Explore Nature, the number of events is expanding yearly.

Friends of Netarts Bay WEBS
PO Box 152
Netarts, OR 97143
E-mail: websmail@embarqmail.com
Donations are welcome!! They are tax exempt.

Sustain the Netarts Bay Area through education and stewardship
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