Beth McBride

Board Member

Beth has a B.A. in History and a Minor in Biology from Colorado Mesa University in Grand Junction, Colorado. Beth has participated in the research of The Breeding Behavior of  the Tree swallow (Tachycineta bi-color) and Violet-green swallow (Tachycineta thalassina) and the Effects of Climate Change. 

In addition, Beth participated in the research of Tardigrades in the Colorado National Monument and McGinness National Conservation Area. She was an ​Interpretive Park Ranger at The National Historic Trails Center, Casper, Wyoming.

Beth currently works as a Financial Aid Advisor with Tillamook Bay Community College. In her spare time she enjoys reading history and historical fiction as well as spending time hiking and birding with her partner and 4 dogs. When time allows you might find her visiting her kids in Colorado and New York City and going to the theater.

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