Clams, or bivalves as they are more technically known because they have two shells or valves, have been harvested in Netarts Bay for hundreds of years. They were a staple of Native Americans living between the Capes, especially around Netarts Bay, long before the arrival of European-American settlers. Their middens are packed with the shells of cockles and butter clams. Still plentiful today, these clams and others are favorites of residents and visitors alike. There are many species of clams and other bivalves between the Capes, but only about a dozen are typically harvested.
1. Check the shellfish regulations found in Oregon Sport Fishing Regulations published yearly by Oregon Fish and Wildlife.
2. Check for collection closures due to Amnesic Shellfish Poisoning (ASP) and Paralytic Shellfish Poisoning (PSP). ASP and PSP are caused by the accumulation in shellfish of biotoxins contained in certain phytoplankton on which shellfish feed. Eating shellfish contaminated with these biotoxins can cause illness and even death. Call the Oregon Shellfish Hotline at 1-800-448-2474 or go on-line to
3. Be aware of sections of the Netarts Bay that are leased to oyster growers and Oregon State University. These areas are off limits to digging and foot traffic.
4. Watch for the incoming tide. It is easy to get stranded if you are not paying attention.
Clam Harvest Ethics:
1. Backfill your holes. Sediment left outdide the hole will smother adjacent clams.
2. Keep broken clams. Broken clams will not live if you put them back.
3. No trenching. Do not remove all the clams from a single area. Clams are broadcast spawners, that is males and females release their eggs and sperm into the water, and each sex has to be in close the other for fertilization to take place. Instead, take only two or three clams from a hole, backfill it, then move a few feet away to dig your next hole, leaving clams close enough to each other for successful reproduction.
Clinocardium nuttallii
Physical address:
WEBS Office is located at the:
Netarts Community Club
4949 Netarts Hwy W
Netarts, OR 97143
Mailing address:
Netarts Bay WEBS
PO Box 152
Netarts, OR 97143