Want to get involved?


  • How can I volunteer?

    Write the answer to the question here. You can emphasize this text with bullets, italics or bold, and add links.

  • Volunteer Opportunities

    WEBS provides training to help familiarize you with each of the roles and their responsibilities. 

  • Program Leader

    As a Program Leader - you will organize and coordinate all details for the event. If you are an expert on the subject you may be the presenter, or WEBS will identify the expert and put you in contact with them. You’ll work with the presenter to work out the logistics and any transportation needs, agree on the honoraria, determine the number of participants, arrange for handouts, etc. You will coordinate the date and time with our WEBS Executive Director. 

  • Science Coach

    - you support teachers with their science and natural history education field trips. Tillamook students from Kindergarten through 8th grade participate in the field trips. You can be trained as an Activity Leader, facilitating student involvement in the and activities created by the teachers. Or you can be an assistant, providing help in setting up and cleaning up and keeping the activities running efficiently. Science Coaches become involved in whatever capacity they are comfortable, from helping out just once a year to becoming involved with several events during the course of the school year. 

  • Administration / Behind the Scenes

    Administration / Behind the Scenes - if you don’t think you’d like to help with the events, there are many ways that you can support WEBS. Here is a list of things we can always use help with:

    ● Social Media

    ● Event Photography

    ● Video Editing

    ● Newsletter

    ● Marketing Communications and Advertising

    ● Graphic Design

    ● Proofreading

    ● Special Projects and Events

    ● Weed Detectives

    If you aren’t sure what you want to do but know you would like to become involved, contact Roger Miller, our Volunteer Coordinator, at: volunteer@netartsbaywebs.com.


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